
The first real question when it comes to the band is what is the actual name? Is it The Russian Wind-Up Penguins or Russian Wind Up Penguins? It's actually the first, although I have seen both used but the first is correct.
Anyway, the band started after two friends, James Marsh (Bass, Vocals) and Luke Box (Guitar, Occasional Vocals) met to play a few songs together. Tracks played in this first meeting included songs by Greenday, Blink 182 and Sum 41. By looking at this list it's quite clear what genre of music we were both into. After the success of this first jam session it was decided that we would form a band. We both went to a youth group that evening, and Becky Tasker (Drums) was a member. She seemed to like the idea of being in a punk-rock band and joined then and there. The Russian Wind-Up Penguins were formed.
The name of the band has always been a source of strange looks and remarks and may seem quite random. However there is a quite logical(ish) story as to how it came about and since this is a chance to explain, I (Marshy) will set the record straight. In a particularly boring physics lesson our teacher had an obsession with using wind-up toys, particularly penguins to explain kinetic energy.
As interesting as this was, no-one actually listened to what she was saying and talked for the whole hour. During a conversation about a school ski-trip, we remembered taking the absolute piss out of a swiss guy wearing a russian hat. I drew penguin wearing a huge cossack hat, and the name followed on from there.
After our school BOTB triumph, we decidedto get a rhythm guitarist as the songs had sounded quite flat during solos and a bit one-dimensional. Luckily, Steph Challinger (Rhythm Guitar) was ready and able to take the job and despite the fact the album was written with only one guitar in mind she does feature on the album. That's it really. Keep rocking!!!